Lara Mrkoci

"Thanks for your email John. I’ve been feeling my way through the work the last few weeks so it’s good to get some feedback. What you say about the sharp comments is so true–a young actor is so fragile, but it’s important to learn to separate your work from yourself. Hard to do when you’re told “use your self”, but I think it’s an important step to being able to survive in this business. The comment I made about not tying self-worth to the work or the outcome is something I’ve been thinking about a lot lately. Exciting and tricky work indeed!"

- Lara Mrkoci

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Karen Skidmore

"I am working on a scene for a theatre audition, and I used the structural analysis that you described in class. It has really helped and I want to thank you. Also I appreciated the personal feedback you have me and I am trying to go in to everything clear and clean with no baggage and negativity. Now that I know how I sabotage myself I am aware of it for sure. Just a few words of appreciation from me to you. Thank you."

- Karen Skidmore

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Diana Chrisman

"Thanks so much for this morning. You were very welcoming and honest with your comments. I am looking forward to taking some classes with you when I get back and am settled. Thinking about all that you said, you make me want to be better and inspire me to work on my accents and confidence to push myself to set my goals at a better level in terms of tv & film work when I get here."

- Diana Chrisman

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Zach Eisenstat

"I just wanted to follow-up on class with a quick note of appreciation. I am sure that I could use thousands of hours of class, and still learn more, but this felt like a fantastic start to a more formal education in acting and, specifically, film technique.                                                                   I’ve often discussed the idea of feeling like my acting toolbox just has a jackhammer and a piece of sandpaper. But, I definitely feel like I am walking away from your tutelage with a few more pieces to work with when attacking new work, old work, and everything in-between. Thank you for your time, knowledge, and thoughts this last month or two. It has been a eye opening and inspiring."

- Zach Eisenstat

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Katie Witkowski

"I just wanted to thank you so much for the past 4 weeks. I had a lot more fun than I expected I would. While I knew going into the course that I would learn a lot from you, I forgot how nice it is to learn and grow with a whole group of other actors. The class itself was the first on-camera acting class I’ve ever taken and I am now way more interested in film than I ever thought I would be, and know that moving forward I want to take more classes.
I am glad I got to work with you for my first class because I think our previous working together allowed us to have a more personal relationship and you were able to observe what I was doing better which helped me feel comfortable but also know that you were able to compare what I was doing with my previous work to see growth.
I feel like I’m on a bit of a come-down today, just like after finishing a show. I thank you for allowing me to be a part of that kind of experience and environment and getting to work with such a great group of people that you chose to come together. When we all said our goodbyes yesterday I have to admit I was a bit sad to know I won’t get to see everyone next Monday, something that I looked forward to everyday.
Thanks again for all of your help, I feel like I grew a lot in my work and want to keep going with what I was finding."

- Katie Witkowski

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