Audition facilities.

Performers’ privacy, as well as washrooms that are cleaned regularly.  

A2809 Audition Environment
The Producer shall take reasonable and concrete steps to ensure that proper Audition facilities are used when auditioning Performers, including but not limited to a closed Audition space with proper lighting and adequate acoustic insulation to ensure the Performers’ privacy, as well as washrooms that are cleaned regularly.  No Auditions or meetings shall be conducted in private hotel rooms or residences where the Performer is alone with a representative of Production. 

For the full Agreement outlining your fees and working conditions click below:

Audition Facilities Whenever auditions and/or interviews are held the Theatre agrees to provide: (i) a smoke free environment; and (ii) audition rooms, change rooms and waiting rooms which are properly lighted, ventilated and heated during inclement or cold weather to at least twenty (20°C) degrees Celsius. (P) Accessibility Considerations (i) Notice for Artists with Disabilities

Canadian Actors’ Equity Association, Canadian Theatre Agreement click on:

ACTRA’s principal role is to negotiate, administer and enforce collective agreements to provide performers with equitable compensation as well as safe and reasonable working conditions.