
Performers shall be paid the following minimum Use fees

B4 Residual Payments

When a Production is exploited in a market other than the market provided for in the declared Use and the Producer has elected not to adopt the Use payment system in Article B5, Performers shall be paid the following minimum Use fees based upon the following percentages of Net Fees earned during the production of the Production. Use fees shall be paid within thirty (30) days of the date of such Use. 103 

IPA 1 January 2019 – 31 December 2021 ACTRA and the CMPA/AQPM B402 Theatrical Use When a Production produced with a declared Use of Free Television, Pay Television, Cable Television, Compact Devices, Educational Television or New Media is distributed for Theatrical Use, the Producer shall pay to Performers the following percentages of the Performers’ Net Fees for unlimited theatrical Use: (a) productions sixty (60) minutes or less in length 15% (b) productions exceeding sixty (60) minutes in length 35%.

For the full Agreement outlining your fees and working conditions click below:

ACTRA’s principal role is to negotiate, administer and enforce collective agreements to provide performers with equitable compensation as well as safe and reasonable working conditions.