Divine right of Kings.

In European history, it was asserted that kings derived their authority from God and could not therefore be held accountable for their actions by any earthly authority such as a parliament.

During the War of the Roses, both Henry VI and Edward IV claimed that they ought to be king. They both argued that they were appointed by God to rule England.

Who has the right to know how the movie business works?

Have you ever wondered the budget of the film you’re working on, or if Background is all ACTRA or half non-union, or how much the American actor standing next to you is earning, or what tax breaks the producers got from Ontario Creates?

Many of the details that make up the whole of the industry seem to be the private domain of – maybe – producers, casting, agents and ACTRA.

Does it seem to you that on many questions you’re kept out of the loop?

You, and all of us, have a right as actors and citizens to be able to ask, investigate, learn and know anything and everything.

Why not?

You might find that certain questions are spoken of in hushed tones and with eyes lowered.

The divine right of Kings.

Not really your business.

That’s a disconnect, isn’t it, when you and your colleagues are the ones making the movies.