Inner Monologue.

Literal or subconscious?

You can use your imagination to develop a like inner monologue that your character could have. That’s useful work.

You develop aspects of your character – speech, physical – and you make up an inner monologue. Sometimes you let that run while you play the scene.

That’s the most common inner monologue work.

It hit me that we seldom choose a thought from our own subconscious. Our own inner monologue.

And best would be something right at the moment you’re about to begin the scene. ‘Geez, I’m tired.’ ‘This actress is bugging the hell out of me.’ ‘Man, this actor-movie star is so centred.’ ‘I’m nervous as hell.’ ‘Cool, man, I feel cool as ice.’ ‘Love the sound of my voice.’ ‘This is fun.’

This could be very useful, interesting, and odd to help throw you off. Meaning to put you on the hook – present.

Which we always love.