Sustain it.

kickboxers fighting

When you’re shooting a scene be careful not to pick an activity that is difficult to sustain.

It might seem authentic, creative or cool at first, but after hours of repetition it might prove unsupportable.

Eating lots in a dinner scene. Continuous coughing. Twitching your eye. Screaming. These have to be thought out and well practiced to be done without harming yourself.

Jumping off a horse.

Maybe once, but for repeated takes it’s the horse stunt person who has the technique.

Training with a professional coach prior to performing a role will enable you to learn new things, yes, but the spontaneous choice can lead to regret.

Movie stars, series regulars usually don’t actually eat in a meal scene. By not, they lessen being diverted allowing them to focus on the acting.

Think if you can sustain the activity you’ve chosen.