
There are no witches.

But, you’re like one.

When you work well you conjure. How you and your fellow actors do that is secret. It’s difficult to do and it’s precious.

It’s like how witches work.

Appreciate your ability to channel energy and cast spells. It’s magic. And, the people love you for that ability. To tell their stories.

There are others who don’t appreciate it - like some casting, producers, agents, directors. They don’t know what we do, so let them not know.

Cultured people know.

As witches were persecuted (for what? knowing something? speaking their conscience?) so you are too by: not having a voice in the industry, being kept out of the system, not being appreciated and always having to audition starting from zero.

Loving your ability to experiment, create, practice and experience like a witch, drawing from your imagination and nature itself, will give you confidence in face of the harsh system you work in.

It’s difficult to make your potion.