
Film is a new art form.

What’s a blockbuster?

A block could be a stone; bust, a verb to break; so, breaking a stone. Would that be like cracking the nut? 

We often say that when grappling with a problem.

What’s the problem here? Is the block money? Is someone trying to smash money into smithereens?

The discussion isn’t so far off, is it, when the term blockbuster is used and accepted as a kind of an art form. Everyone knows it’s a kind of movie. 

Bust feels like a harsh, explosive word.

It also would be known that blockbusters are made in Hollywood. An American invention then. Big. Smashing something to bits. 

The Empire State Building was big. Hiroshima and Nagasaki were blown to bits. Their blocks certainly got busted.

There’s you the actor – and there’s the blockbuster.

None of these films qualify as a blockbuster:

The Third Man, 12 Years a Slave, Citizen Kane, The Godfather, Yojimbo, Battleship Potemkin, The Seven Samurai, The Bicycle Thieves, Metropolis, Casablanca, Double Indemnity, The Insider, On the Waterfront, Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, The Maltese Falcon, Chinatown, Belle du Jour, M.

Google gives this:

A blockbuster is a Hollywood movie that's made with a large budget and big stars. A true blockbuster is extremely popular and brings in a lot of money. Typically, a blockbuster is a fabulous summer movie that audiences line up to see the first weekend it's released. (My emphasis.)

Sounds like a blockbuster ain’t no film. (My emphasis.)