To the black wall.

Seeing a black wall at the end of your audition is deadly. 

It’s best if your auditions are part of your ongoing work and life. With none of them ever being the be all or end all. 

The continuity. 

As with all your work, watch your visualization sharply and see what it looks like when you’ve finished your audition. You should see yourself leaving the audition room and walking out into light rather than darkness. You should see your work and life continuing.

See the end of your audition while doing your prep. What you see at the end is very important.

Otherwise it really is like banging your head against a brick wall.

To like how you’re leaving the audition is as important as liking how you start.

Desperation is a horrible quality that can derail you. Take the auditions in your stride, put them in perspective and see how you get stronger.

Putting you in good shape for the next audition.